Option provided to filter ‘Invoice Ref. No’ in Receipt, Invoice and Credit Note screens.
Provided an option to add the request description as initial thread in the Request screen based on a configuration ‘Request Description as Thread’ in Project screen .
Search results retained in Work Item Search option for user ease.
V1.34.0.025-Jan-2024 New Release
Project, contract, and direct billing screens modified to show the net total of billed amount in local currency.
New module for defining and tracking work item with different features.
Project Component - To define project components under various categories.
Component Grouping – To define parent component for grouping of components.
Work Environment – To define the work environment screen according to the program.
The Work Item screen to log actions required any work item for tracking and monitoring.
Query to access work item detail information.
Pending work item included in the list of alerts in the home page.
V1.33.0.008-May-2023 New Release
Option provided to define Credit Days against a Contract.
A new function provided to capture multiple customer contact details corresponding to a Business Entity.
A new function – Direct Billing, introduced to register bills independent of programs or projects. Option to tag projects as well in case of additional invoice requirements.
Option introduced to upload statutory invoices against each billing along with automatic emailing of the same to the client contact.
Option to register payment receipts against each invoice along with tracking of outstanding payments.
A new query added for viewing the Customer Invoice / Outstanding Details.
V1.32.2.023-Nov-2022 New Release
While deactivating a stakeholder / employee an option to deactivate them at project level also provided
Display of activity history split and shown separately in Quote / Request / Task screens for ease of readability
Email notification at request / task level restricted to active resources only
Daily work entry screen made compatible with smart devices
Email based alert for Contract expiry / follow-up
V1.32.1.015-Mar-2022 New Release
Additional validation included for ROE for foreign currency invoicing.
Introduced a new functionality to manage Weekends, Exceptional Holidays & Working Days.
Additional validation introduced in Employee, to prevent changing Branch and Tracking Status if Pending DWE exist against an employee.
Introduced a new query for viewing the details of Pending DWE of the employees.
Billing Type included in project creation notification mail.
Introduced a new option to search the tasks based on request status.
Option to capture ROE for invoicing currency to contract currency and invoicing currency to local currency provided when raising a Contract Invoice.
Option to define various project document types introduced.
Option to upload various project documents provided at Project level with option for the user to classify the document type based on the data that has been setup.
Provided a new option to Restrict External Stakeholders to a Business Entity.
Introduced a new option to search the request based on ready for billing status.
Included the latest Release Version of a Request in the Request search result grid.
Option provided at employee level to define an alternate date from which effort tracking needs to be done in lieu of date of joining.
Option provided in User screen to search on the basis of 'User Type'.
Interface provided for financial year configuration.
Account related functionalities grouped under a separate menu.
Available financial years provided as a drop-down list in WIP Accounting Query.
Introduced a new functionality to generate and populate WIP for accounting.
Added a new functionality to adjust the populated WIP for accounting
Included a new query for viewing/ analyzing the populated WIP .
An option to restrict Project to specific Regions introduced.
Uploading of at least one document in .pdf format made mandatory as part of quote approval process.
In Release Management, a zoom functionality provided for selecting and adding multiple requests / tasks to a release.
Additional validation introduced in Contract, to prevent removing of projects against which actual effort has been logged.
Introduced a new functionality to Reopen request from client side.
Option to define a module at Project level or Program level.
Approval Document made mandatory while approving a request which is tagged against a contract which mandates approval.
Total of Actual and Extra Effort shown as a summary in the search grid of DWE page.
Total of Planned and Actual Effort shown as a summary in the search grid of Request and Task page.
Option to filter results based on Approval Date From/To introduced in Project Billing Status query.
Option provided to switch the authentication of a user from Domain based authentication to Application authentication and vice versa.
Drop-down lists made editable with suggestive listing.
Contract Billing Query modified to include Bill Date and additional filter provided to include/exclude extra effort.
Additional validations included when updating the request status from task page with following conditions
1. A Billable Project based request cannot be Completed/Closed/Cancelled prior to approval.
2. Cancelling a request is not possible if actual effort has been spent on it.
3. Cancelling a request is not possible if the quote is partially billed.
4. A Client Initiated Request cannot be Completed/Closed/Cancelled if it is open at client side.
5. A Contract/Licence based Request cannot be Completed/Closed/Cancelled if contract is not tagged at request level.
Tasks corresponding to Contract based requests cannot be created or updated with planned effort > 0 if the contract is not tagged at request level.
Provided an option to input alternate Currency and Rate Of Exchange in Billing screen.
Option to search cancelled billings provided in the search tab of Project Billing and Contract Billing screens.
Option to enter extra hours as a separate field introduced in Daily Work Entry screen to differentiate effort for accounting and for tracking.
All variances and validations would include the additional effort except for Man Day computation for accounting from a company perspective.
Option provided in all queries where effort is calculated to filter out extra hours if required.
In Project screen, ‘Allow entries on holiday’ changed to ‘Allow entries during non-working hours’ to handle extra hour input during daily work entry.
The predefined Status Remark in Task page sorted on the basis of code to bring in a sequence if necessary.
If an employee / stakeholder is made inactive the corresponding user status is also made inactive.
The auto closure / completion of tasks when a request is closed / completed extended to suspended tasks as well.
Introduced a branch filter in the Pending DWE query.
Option to search on average completion % range provided in Request search.
Option to search on Status Remark provided in Task search.
Request Type included in the dashboard corresponding to Client Initiated Request.
Average completion % included in The Release Management screen and corresponding Dashboard.
An option to setup pre-defined task status remarks introduced at organization level.
In addition to the custom remark, an option to choose pre-defined status remarks provided against a task.
When setting up a contract, option to define whether approval is mandatory at request level provided. This is to bifurcate tracking of requests which would require pre-approval (predefined MD effort) and those
which would require approval (license based support).
Client dashboard modified to display the ‘Assigned to’ information set at Request level.
‘Contract Ref. No.’ provided as an additional search parameter in Request screen.
Option to query employees based on a branch provided in Employee search option.
Included a filter in Login audit query to list employees who have not logged-in for a specific period.
Auto redirection to Client Request screen from email link when a client accesses the URL implemented.
In the search tab of ‘Task’ an option to search on the basis of ‘Assigned To’ provided. This drop down will list the logged in user or the users who report to the logged in user.
The restriction on upload of .pdf files alone during approval removed as a temporary functionality.
In the search tab of ‘Request’ an option to search on the basis of ‘Assigned To’ provided. This drop down will list the program managers or project managers of a particular project .
Included average task % completion in the Request-Task grid of Release Management screen.
Included billed amount in billing schedule of Contract screen.
Uploading of files restricted to files of type .pdf during approval of a quote.
Clubbing of quotes corresponding to various billing mode (T&M and Quote based) allowed in project billing screen.
Included contract description in the Contract Alert dashboard.
DWE From and DWE To made mandatory during contract billing if the contract is set to track effort.
Link to access the Task details provided in the mail alert corresponding to schedule/ effort change.
In contract billing query added bill date and actual effort.
Dashboard UI changed and added a new section for viewing contract alerts.
In contract billing query added bill status as a parameter.
Included in/out info of swipe session in the dashboard.
Wild card based search option provided for searching on the basis of description in Base setup screen.
A new functionality to add and remove requests from quotes has been provided.
Link provided in email to access details corresponding to request / task.
Effort validation of contract and task extended to approval in request and quote screens.
New release information to be automatically displayed to users on first post release login.
Included approved effort and actual effort in the contract search result grid.
Provided an option in contract page to view the approved and actual effort of tagged projects.
Request shift logic changed and following validations where included
1. Shifting of requests enabled for contract based projects also.
2. If a request is shifted to a contract based project then contract ref number is mandatory.
Creation of projects restricted to program managers.
Included average task % completion in the Request search result grid.
The last swipe information for the day included in the dashboard.
Validation of whether contract is tagged, extended to quote creation against multiple contract based requests.
Wild card based search option provided for searching on the basis of program description in Program screen.
The restriction of marking a request as completed / closed if quote is not approved extended to Contract based requests as well.
Option to search a task on the basis of a release version provided.
Option to search on the basis of program manager,account manager and auditor introduced for program search.
Validation of whether active contracts exist included for project closure.
Intoduced a new field billing reminder in contract/licensing.
Option to search a request on the basis of a release version provided.
Option to create task with estimated effort provided during approval as well.
Added task description in effort modification mail.
Contract made mandatory in request page for projects which have been tagged against contracts.
An option to define a ‘Task Owner’ to keep a track on the current owner provided at task level.
Access check for billing screen modified to handle resources defined at Program level.
Automatic creation of task for client initiated request for projects where task approval is not required
Option to search on the basis of Completion % From / To and Status Remark introduced for Task search.
Effort against task made non-mandatory for budgeting purpose. Based on variance DWE will be restricted against such tasks.
Auditor access handled in request screen.
Handled access check of program manager, account manager and auditor in billing search screen.
Option to revert / cancel a billing / invoice in Project Billing included
A new functionality for closing a contract has been provided.
Introduced quote status filter in task search tab.
Updated the contract information in request screen.
Updated the % completion to 100 % when task status is set as 'Completed'.
Communication thread included at Request level also
Option to revert / cancel a billing / invoice in Contract Billing included
Option to assign an owner for managing a request
Option to search requests assigned to self in 'Request Search'
Option to view the details of a contract in 'Request' screen when raising a request against a contract
Included billing starting year in contract page.
Expiry Date and Bill Due date filter included in the contract search.
Included a new query for viewing the contract billing status.
Added process month and year on billing screens.
Updated the ready for billing alert mail with regards to billable projects.
Introduced client request status filter in request search tab.
Email intimation included when planned effort / schedule is modified.
Added 'Assigned to me' filter in task search.
Description of task included in mail intimation.
Remarks for changing the planned MD and planned start & end date captured in task page.
In contract billing page introduced new fields for displaying the total effort booked (MD) of the selected contract
Introduced an option to configure email recipient list on thread level.
Updated the audit info of the task screen.
Modified the privilege of developers in task screen.
Modified the user interface of thread pop-up.
Integrated HTML editor in threads.
Indicator added to show if records exist - eg: Documents, Threads etc
Dashboard UI changed and added a new section for swipe info and client initiated request.
A new functionality to add stakeholders has been provided.
Integrated stakeholder user type in user page
A new functionality to create request from client side has been provided.
Included billing option (Contract/Licence Billing) in project
A communication thread has been included at request / task level for internal / external communication
Dashboard UI changed and added a new section for open releases.
Added request reference in the search result of request.
In management query added work month and year.
Included a new query for viewing the release status.
Added new search parameters submitted date & approved date in quote search screen.
A new functionality for managing the release has been provided.
A new functionality for viewing the history of requests, quotes and tasks has been provided.
Added quoted effort in the search grid of request.
A warning message is introduced while shifting the request. If the request is tagged to a contract which is not under the project to be shifted, the contract will be
untagged from the request.
Provided access for viewing the quote information to account manager.
Once the request is cancelled, it will get untagged from all existing release.
A new functionality to revert the approved quotes.
A new functionality to define a contract along with its billing schedule has been provided.
A new functionality for billing against contract has been provided.
Option provided to define how many MD needs to be billed when setting a quote as 'Ready to Bill’.
When billing, the MD to bill defined at the quote level will be validated for maximum amount.
Billing related fields in quote made visible only for program manager and account manager.
In Task screen added a privilege to prevent project resources (except project manager) from viewing the efforts.
In Task screen, an option has been provided to view the summary of the actual effort that were spent against the task.
An option to search on the status of a request has been provided in the Task Search screen.The result will also display the status of the request.
A confirmation message is introduced for 0 MD approvals when the billing type is ‘Bill at Rate’
Included 'Request Reference' in all quote related mails
Field level modification restriction introduced in Project screen to handle data discrepancies
Open task count and overall % of completion shown in request screen.
In task added % completion and remark.
Billing Option- "Bill at Rate" & "Bill at Cost" related validation in request and quote screen carried out.
Formatted task info in DWE screen.
In DWE formatted the calendar to "dd-mm-yyyy Day" format.
In DWE auto-population of module, activity and sub phase carried out if the item is single.
In the task screen - excluded the planned MD from summary for cancelled tasks.